Thursday, January 30, 2014


Since China is not only geographically close to where I am currently but also a dominating force in the region, making it's mark by building numerous hydro-power dams and other extended infrastructure (Laos), supplying the biggest tourist influx (Thailand), and running the businesses everywhere else, I thought it is in order to wish all my readers, Chinese and otherwise, a Happy New Year of the Horse! 

This coming year is a 'wooden' horse, though. Wood is a combustible material. We will have to wait and see what it means for the upcoming year. Many Chinese astrology masters don't predict much good. 

I am a Chinese Rabbit, I was not born in the year of the horse, however Angela Merkel was.

Many businesses are closed for four days. The smell of burnt incense and burnt money is everywhere. Shopkeepers have a metal container and are burning "hundred-of-thousands" of dollars of paper money for good luck. Today was also the first time that I saw a bundle of 1,000,000 US-Dollar notes- going up in smoke!

Let's all wish for not too many "burning horses" this year, but for peace and prosperity. Albeit the signs in the region at large are pointing in the opposite direction.

1 million US-dollar bill.

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